So I’m listening to Bill Maher tonight.
He brought up something I think is right on.
Starting @ 2:30, Bill talks about health. In that, nobody’s talking about a strong immune system as a great defense against Covid. Nobody. But we should be. Why aren’t we talking about health? Why aren’t we talking about the importance of Whole Foods Plant Based Living as a defense (best?) against getting sick or dying from Covid-19? Why the fuck not? You know why not? Because the medical and food industry has got us by the balls. They’ve got the politicians by the balls. And of course because the Trump Crime Family is in charge.
Watch Totally Under Control. Thousands of Americans died because the people Trump put in charge were all about business and religion. Science? Not so much.
Millions of Trump voters clap when he talks about his health. What are they clapping for? Trump is obese. No, he’s fucking obese. Not by my standards, by the standards of the government he’s in charge of.
Go here:
The last drivers license Trump had he listed his height as 6’2″. But does anyone believe a guy like him tells the truth about his height? Guys like him always tell people they’re taller than actual. So put in 6’1 for his height and 250 for his weight. He’s probably more like 275. He’s Class 1 or Class 2 Obese. Or, he’s fucking obese. Why aren’t we calling him that?
Instead, his doctors trout out the lies “the President is in good health”. Or Fox News lies – “the President is in excellent health”. Or how many times since Trump got Covid have we heard “he’s in good health”!? Say what? What drugs is someone on, what definition or stretch of the imagination, can an obese person be in good health???
Meanwhile, people say to me, “you’re skinny”. Put in 6’1 and 183. I’m in the normal weight range.
See this is the thing. We call obese people overweight, heavy, or big boned. We hear and say they’re healthy. We let Trump, his doctors, and the media lie to us – when the truth is right there in plain sight.
But then when someone is normal weight for their height, we say they don’t look good.
The people in charge are all about business and religion, not science.
What a great country, eh?
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