Listening to a Neil Young playlist:
Heart Of Gold
The Needle And The Damage Done
After The Gold Rush:
After The Gold Rush
Only Love Can Break Your Heart
Southern Man
Don’t Let It Bring You Down
When You Can Dance I Can Really Love
Mother Earth (Natural Anthem, POTR live version)
After The Gold Rush (POTR live version)
People Want To Hear About Love
Live Rust, Crazy Horse:
Sugar Mountain
Comes A Time
Cinnamon Girl (Live Rust)
Hey Hey, My My ((Into The Black)
Wolf Moon
Seed Justice
Human Highway
Ragged Glory:
Rockin’ In The Free World
Mother Earth (Natural Anthem)
Crazy Horse:
Down By The River
Cinnamon Girl
Cowgirl In The Sand (Crazy Horse)
I got another email. This time it was from these guys:
They wanted me to show up to protest the attack on women’s reproductive rights. I get 10 of these a day. I’ve had it.
So I picked up the phone, called them. Here’s what I said to the cat who answered the phone.
It’s all about voting. I’ve been to lotsa protests. Nothing changed. The earth is getting warmer. Trump was elected. Now the attack on women’s rights. Soon we’ll be in another war.
Protests, emails, and tweets won’t make a difference. In fact they’re a distraction. I wish you, and the zillions of leftist organizations and websites, would focus on one simple message – voting.
The Republicans are kicking our asses because they focused on voting. They changed the rules to make it harder to vote. They changed the rules to win by minority. They rigged elections. They cheated. It doesn’t matter. What’s done is done. The facts are they won and they’re winning. And they’re going to keep on winning, keep on kicking our asses, until people who want to stop Trump all focus one simple message – voting.
Sending me emails about the latest bullshit Trump or the Republicans are up to, is just noise. I can’t pay attention. Neither can most people. So we turn you off. You people just don’t get it. Same thing with asking me to give money to you or yet another leftist organization. The ask adds up to nothing more than a waste of time and money.
Instead, put all your money and power, your friends money and power, into a big pile and join forces with one simple idea: register people to vote, then pick them up on election day and take them to vote.
Use the playbook from the civil rights era. What did they do? Activists went into the South and registered people to vote. They took them to the polls. Some activists were murdered. The same thing needs to happen again. Some will get murdered again.
You people, with all your money and power, are wasting both. You’re so lost. You think people are paying attention to you? They’re not. They can’t. So you just turn up the noise.
Please. Stop asking people tweet, or posting on social media. It adds up to nothing. Trump and the Republicans know it, in fact it’s part of their plan – to distract us, get us to waste time and money.
Instead, take that energy and execute one simple idea — register people to vote, pick them up on election day and take them to their polling place. You do, you’ll wake up the millions who’ve tuned you out. You’ll rally them, I promise you will.
Get a few million volunteers, task them into the areas of the country that matter. Buy a bunch of busses, pick up the people you registered to vote on election day and take them to their polling place.
It’s a simple plan. In fact it’s so simple, it probably won’t make sense to you, people like Tom Steyer, or these clowns:
People. You wanna stop Trump? The next time someone sends you an email asking you to donate, protest, share, or call your representative, don’t do it. Tell ’em to fuck off. Write ’em back, point ’em to this simple plan.
What good does calling my representative do? My Democratic representative is already against Trump. You think anything I say to my Republican Congressman is going to change his mind? Yah right. So then why, do you ask me to do it?
The only people who pay attention to social media are those on the fringes. The world has made a mistake thinking twitter matters. Hello. Social media is a social disease. So then why do you ask me to do it?
What good does giving you money do? Nothing is going to change so long as Trump is President and the Senate is in Republican control. Nothing. So all I’m doing is paying your salaries and helping you inch along your message. Been there, done that. Nothing happened.
I’d happily give money and time towards a plan to register people to vote and pick them up on election day and take them to vote. That’s a plan I believe in.