Rich Roll has reached a new low with this podcast. I can’t figure out which is worse – Rich hocking meat or the flock blindly accepting his words as gospel.
Clean meat is the same as clean coal. There’s no such thing.
Rich Roll should have his own chapter in Anand Giridharadas’ new book, Winners Take All – The Elite Charade of Changing the World. Because Rich is a thought leader, but only in ways that benefit himself and his friends who live in gated communities, zoned to keep the proletariat and disenfranchised out – the very same folks his guests, his gang of Elite Corporate Democrats, and self-absorbed Plutocrats he pals around with, claim to care so much about.
In Ralph Nader’s new book, a fable, How The Rats Re-Formed The Congress, Nader describes how rats invaded the toilet bowls of the Speaker of House and the Minority Leader. Here’s to hoping the rats make their way to Malibu.
Because Rich’s pitch has about as much truth as the guy selling coins to a game of chance at a traveling carnival.
My words are harsh. So be it. We’re way past dancing around the problems that face our country today. It’s time to face them head on. It’s time for Rich Roll & Associates to admit they’re failing — not by a little, by a lot.
There’s no doubt that a few are benefitting from Rich’s message. Of course they are. But that’s a pittance compared to those experiencing the opposite effect.
I’ve been writing about this for years. Anand Giridharadas shines a bright light on the issues in his seminal book, Winners Take All – The Elite Charade of Changing the World.
The networks are broken. We gave up our privacy in exchange for free software and services. But thought leaders don’t want to take on the problem head on, because in doing so it’d be bad for their business.
Tech hasn’t come close to living up to its promise. Tech is killing way more jobs than it’s creating.
In this podcast, Rich is showcasing clean meat. It’s farcical. What Rich should be talking about is building greenhouses in food deserts. Rich knows or has connections to some of the most powerful people in the world. He could be knocking on their doors, raising money as part of an effort to help those who need it most. Instead, he seems to be about nothing more than building his brand.
The world doesn’t need another podcast. What it needs is people willing to do work – for the next 7 Generations.
Today the news tells us that the economy is strong, unemployment is low. The story leaves out that costs of living are skyrocketing. So what if someone is making $150k a year, if they can’t afford homeownership. So what if unemployment is low, if people can’t afford health insurance or food that’s good for them.
We’ve been led to believe that wealthy people know what’s best for us. How could they? They’ve never experienced 0.00 balance in their checking account. They don’t know the feeling of bills being higher than income. They don’t know the feeling of not being able to afford health insurance. They don’t know what it’s like to be denied a job all because of a bad decision a few years ago. They don’t understand the struggle.
Organic food is wonderful, the vegan lifestyle is by far and away the best for health and well-being. The farm to table movement has made progress. But it’s all still the domain of the Whole Foods crowd.
I was there in Chicago when Obama was elected in 08. What did he do? He brought in his friends from Harvard. He lined his cabinet with Zillionaires. He gave money to bankers when he should have bailed out homeowners and charged the bankers with crimes.
This week the New York Times came out with a great piece how Facebook spread disinformation to cover up that it knew Russia was trying to disrupt the 2016 elections. People are acting like this is something new from Facebook — “Oh, Facebook goofed”. When in fact it’s just another example, in a long list of examples, of how Facebook is all that’s wrong with technology.
True to form, the cure being spread by the digerati, Corporate Democrats, and Plutocrats is that Facebook should be regulated or that Facebook needs to do a better job of self-regulation.
The problems we’re facing aren’t the fault of either political party. The entire system, has failed us.
The only answer for Facebook and Twitter is for people to stop using them. The Internet is broken, we need a new one. Giant networks are the problem, not the solution. The model for networks going forward should be similar to what Howard Reingold outlined in his book, The Virtual Community. Blockchain technology should the baseline. From there, all content could be traced to its origin in one click. Privacy would be restored.
Politicians and rich people won’t save us. Tech is creating far more problems than it’s solving. Putting people in charge to fix the problems they created or will benefit from is insanity. It’s laughable to think that Facebook is going to find a moral compass and do the right thing. Yet this is where we are.
Until we the people start calling Rich Roll & Associates on the carpet, stop using Facebook, Twitter, and start taking radical actions, expect more of the same.