Today’s NYT piece by Timothy Egan caught my attention.
Since Trump I’ve never thought older people like yours truly could save us. I believe that it’s all about getting younger people and people of color to vote.
From the piece:
The numbers tell a shameful story. Barely half of all eligible millennial voters cast a ballot in the last presidential election, compared with nearly 70 percent of baby boomers and the two generations older than them.
The midterms are far worse. In 2014, just 16 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 29 voted. So, while I love the placard that a kid held up during one of the March for Life anti-gun protests this year — “You can’t fix stupid but you can vote it out” — midterms are largely ignored by the young.
And this November, with a president and a party in power determined to turn back time, only 28 percent of young adults say they are “absolutely certain” they will vote in midterms, according to one poll. By comparison, 74 percent of seniors say they will show up on Election Day. Other polls show a higher turnout among those at the front end of adult life, but it still lags behind those at the opposite end.
Young people, you get world you vote for. But don’t listen to me, I know that takes too much time. Instead, watch this video –
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