This is a great piece from the Guardian
Robots will destroy our jobs – and we’re not ready for it
When I think about what Trump promised on jobs, I can’t come anywhere close to making the numbers work.
First, he’s nominated Betsy DeVos to be Secretary of Education. Read about Betsy. Her one and only goal that I can see is to wipe out public education and turn our nation’s schools into church’s. What about the separation of church and state? Eh, rules don’t seem to matter to Trump people.
Then I hear Trump talking about “infrastructure”. Which, btw, is what Obama talked about for years but that the Republicans blocked. Anyway, let’s say there are a bunch of roads that need fixing. What happens to the people hired to fix the roads after the roads are fixed? They’re unemployed, that’s what.
Trump also seems fond of threatening companies to bring jobs back to America, or else. Or else, he’s going to make them pay taxes. First, Trump isn’t a King. He just can’t go around levying tax bills. A tax law would first have to be passed that fines a company for taking jobs overseas. But wait. Republicans are about business, right? Right. So now they’re anti-business? Somehow I don’t think that’s going to fly.
But let’s say the Republicans passed a, “Bring Jobs Here Or Else” bill. Does anyone really think that Apple, Microsoft and Google is going to all the sudden pack up from making chips in Shenzhen and open some plant somewhere here? No man, never gonna happen. They’ll just pay the fine and pass along the costs to us consumers.
Trump is all about fracking. So maybe he thinks if we put a fracking rig in everyone’s backyard that’ll create jobs? If so, he’s high on methane. Because solar and wind are now lower cost than fossil fuels. Last week China announced they’ll be investing $360 billion in solar by 2020. Seems to me that fossil fuel investment, what Trump loves, is on the way out and alternative energy investment, what Trump hates, is on the way up.
It gets dicier. This past week Sears, Macy’s and The Limited announced they’re closing their retail stores. Amazon is killing retail stores and the beat has just begun. Why does anyone go shopping now? We don’t. C’mon, admit it. You order everything from too. Americans are showing no signs of paying a few bucks more to keep the neighborhood clothing store open. Is it that much of a stretch to think that malls will suffer the same fate video rental stores did?
So tell me. Where are the jobs Trump promised? I think a bunch of Trump votes are going to find out there are none.
In My Opinion I don’t like the way That You titled This Post Because You Say Robots Are Going To Take Our Jobs But You Only Talk About Amazon Not Robot Technology. The Only Major Point In The Article Was about Trump Not Robotics. I Think That We Should Allow This To Happen Because There Is No Way To Stop It Because We Can’t Stop The Future.
I’m not saying we should try to stop the future. Of course, the future happens. What I’m saying, is that people aren’t recognizing what’s coming.
Regarding Trump. He’s misleading people when he talks about “bringing jobs back”. Instead, he should be preparing people for automation and what that’ll mean in so far as job loss.