I’m not voting for Hillary. I’m voting against Trump.
The Democrats think you’re not smart unless you have a Harvard degree. I’d rather have a Secretary of Education who’s worked at schools, taught at schools, been a principal at schools, then someone from Harvard who’s studied schools.
But the Democrats don’t think this way. For them, it’s all about pedigree. Obama did it. Everywhere in his administration are blue bloods, his friends from Harvard. How has that worked out for us? I don’t know about you, but we’re in the weeds. If it’s tough for us, what about others? Jeezus.
The Democrats suck up to Silicon Valley — Apple, Google, Facebook and the like. But these are the very same people who are killing more jobs than they’re creating, who put all their money overseas to avoid paying taxes. If Apple made all their products here in the USA we’d all be better off. Ever been to Silicon Valley? I have. Most of the folks who work there aren’t Americans.
In the Democrats minds education is it. If everyone has a degree, that’s the ticket to the American dream. They’re so wrong. Because there’s millions of people who can’t afford college, who don’t want to go to college. And, what they don’t tell you is that even with a college degree it’s tough. Because, all their friends who run the companies only hire blue bloods or insiders.
Decoded, the Democrats message is: “go to college, take about a bunch of loans from friends of ours at the fundraisers and cocktail parties we hang at. Now you’re in debt, we got ya. We don’t care if you get a job or not. Just understand that we only hire our friends relatives, or people who went to Harvard. In the unlikely chance you do get on at one of our companies, watch your back. Because we’re constantly looking for robots and/or someone who’s younger and cheaper”.
The Democrats spend all their time talking about the middle class. It’s such bs.
If the Democrats had any clue they’d be focusing on the most economically depressed parts of our country. They’d be talking about their plans to go into the worst neighborhoods and towns and rebuild — how they’re going to build factories, schools, and create prosperity there. How they’re going to turn slums into thriving and healthy neighborhoods.
For this to work the tax laws have to change. If a business opens up in an economically depressed neighborhood, their tax bill is directly proportional to the prosperity they create. For example if the business pays child care, provides healthy food, support services, employees walk to work, people from the neighborhood are making money, the company pays zero taxes. Why not? This is the kind of radical thinking we need.
Instead, all they do is talk about stuff that has no connection to what’s really going on out there.
The Democrats are technocrats. Their message doesn’t connect with people of color, commoners, or those having a tough time. They have no plan to make Apple bring their money and their business back home.
If the Democrats lose they only have themselves to blame. But instead of facing the music, they’ll just bring in more people from Harvard to fix what they know nothing about. How could they? They come from the right side of the tracks, they went to Harvard for crissake.
Obama made 3 big mistakes. And maybe now people are calling him on them.
- He shouldn’t have bailed out the banks. Instead, he should have put them in jail for what they did to our country. Hell they’re still doing it, see the Wells Fargo scams. Obama let his friends from Harvard fix the banking meltdown. Like they were going to do anything but bail out their buddies. Obama’s friends from Harvard made bank while Americans lost their homes.
- He should have made the banks write down the mortgages, which would have kept a lot of Americans in their homes. Instead, he turned his back on Americans who voted for him.
- He shouldn’t have let the insurance companies drive health care reform. Instead, he should have gone single payer. He should have told the the insurance companies to go f themselves.
For years now, the Democrats have ignored the common folk — the very same people they’re supposed to be about.
Now, Trump can win. There’s a part of me that’s rooting for him. Because maybe the Democrats will start listening to people like me? Wishful thinking. The Democrats will keep doing their group think, led by their friends with silver spoons.
I’ll take street smart over book smart any day.
Nicely put Paul!