Dear Bernie,
You’re a mensch. We get that. But I think your message gets confused with Robin Hood.
Trump is showing that this is the year that Americans are sick of politicians. You can win this thing. But not unless you make a few adjustments.
Hillary is Princess Pant Suit. I don’t trust her. I think she’s just more of the same. I think a lot of people feel the same way I do. You can beat her, you can win this thing. But you won’t win the way you’re going. You’ll win by not being afraid to lose.
Here’s your platform.
Bill Maher is right – weed should be legalized.
I live in Colorado. It’s going off. Money is everywhere. Denver is hipper than ever, it’s booming. It’s because of weed.
You need to be for legalizing weed. It’s the right thing to do.
You need to be for releasing everyone in prison for drugs and victimless crimes. Clinton locked up Americans for bs crimes. What Clinton did with 3 Strikes was just as bad as what Bush did in Iraq. Call Hillary on the carpet for it, like this person did:
Make it clear that you’re about standing up for a woman’s right to manage her vejeejay.
Be about focusing on organic food instead of Big Agriculture and solar/alternative energy instead of fossil fuels. Did you see Martian? That movie is a great example of what can be done. It’s a can do movie that connects to all.
Tell the world Iraq was a huge mistake and apologize for it. To make amends have a plan to go back there and build schools, create commerce, and do what it takes to make it right over there.
But first, before you do anything, take care of our soldiers. Start by bring back the G.I. bill and making it retroactive.
Don’t try to bring a democracy over there! They’re about tribes. Let them do their thing. If we show we’re sorry and are making amends, the good people over there will stand up and fight ISIS on their own. ISIS is a bunch of 12 year olds riding around in beat up pick up trucks carrying old machine guns. How tough can they be?
You talk about “income inequality”. I think that’s the wrong message. Income inequality sounds like someone who didn’t take the chances I have should make as much as I do. Or, someone who sleeps all day should should make as much as someone who works hard. That’s not right. Instead, it should be income opportunity.
We need to incentive companies to open offices in the most economically depressed areas of our country.
The tax rate a business pays should be directly proportional to the jobs and prosperity it creates in economically depressed areas of our country.
Example. Widgets Inc. opens a business or office in the most run down part of Detroit. Everyone hired to work there has to live within 5 miles of the office. The more folks working there earn, the lower Widgets’ tax bill is. If Widgets’ employees all had 401k’s, health insurance, were healthy, and were able to qualify to own a home, Widgets’ tax rate is 10%.
If Widgets opens up an organic grocery store next to their office, teaches people how to eat well and then medical claims of folks within 10 miles of the grocery significantly decreased, Widgets’ tax rate is 5%.
If Widgets shows that household incomes within 20 miles jumped way up, school attendance went way up, higher education enrollment went way up, medical claims went way down, people were healthier and happier, Widgets pays zero taxes and even gets a check from Uncle Sam.
Why are we so busy worrying about Israel? We shouldn’t be. What we should be worried about is taking care of our own. Programs should be created such as this one to incentivize entrepreneurs to open businesses, groceries and what not. The net is run down areas get rebuilt, people have better lives.
The government should designate economic zones in the most run down areas of our country. Then create tax advantages that entrepreneurs couldn’t say no to. I’m talking “holy cow” tax advantages. Apple could make chips in the most run down areas of our country, call centers and groceries could be opened. Now, we’re now on a path to rebuilding our country from the inside out
Sound crazy? Here’s to the crazy ones. You just need to have the guts to do it. How does it get paid for? By closing the off shore tax loopholes that allow corporations to pay zero taxes. They can still pay zero taxes – but only if they make a difference for folks here at home.
What Today’s Republicans Don’t Get About Reagan
People are uptight about immigration, I get it. I don’t know all the answers. But what I do know, is the answer for building a wall =’s taller ladders.
A while back I talked to the guy next to me on the plane. He owned a vineyard in CA. He told me that he’s never had an American apply for a job at his vineyard. He also told me that without illegal immigrants, his business would cease to exist. Not only that, the agriculture industry in CA would come to a halt.
I’m not for amnesty. I’m also not for English as a 2nd language. I’m for everyone coming here, including Syrian refugees. But they need to learn our language. And they need to come through the front door to get here, same as my parents parents did.
Sending them back is nuts. Instead, make them all pay to stay here. We should also be helping Mexico rebuild its soil. If their soil was healthy, they could farm. Call me crazy, but I think the only reason why most Mexicans want to come here is because there’s no options for them on their homeland. Probably, because of damage related to Monsanto and their ilk. In fact make Monsanto pay for all the damage they’ve caused Mexicans. Be part of the solution to help heal their soil, immigration will take care of itself.
The #1 most indexed phrase in the bible is “help the poor”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not taking about handouts and you shouldn’t either. Show poor people we care and they’ll rally. They’ll show up and help themselves. I promise you, it’ll happen. A person can’t open a door that isn’t there.
When was economic prosperity at its peak? When we had unions, factories, and when a high school diploma was enough to send your kids to college. When the American dream could be realized by all.
Just talking about “the middle class” like Hillary does isn’t enough. No man, that’s bs. We’ve heard that spiel for years now, we’re sick of it.
Bernie, you can win. But you gotta be bold. We’re sick of politicians who’ve lied to us for years, all the political double speak. Lay it on the line, Bernie. Go big, or stay home. Don’t be afraid to lose.
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