Rich Roll won’t post anything I have to say. So I’ll post what I have to say here.
Rich’s latest video is here:
After watching it, I wrote this:
Yeah sure, you get a bag of vegetables and some other goodies. But then you have to cook them. Then you have to know the recipes.
And the bag of food he used as an example may work for 1% of the people. But the rest? Not so much. No one is going to eat raw food. Unless there’s tasty recipes to go along with the bag of groceries, people will bail. Or is it bale?
Then, you have to convince people that the time it takes to cook will be worth it.
The beans and rice example doesn’t work. Because just about no one, can eat beans and rice all day every day.
If Rich bought organic vegetables and fruit, what he talks about in the podcast, the price would be double or triple. And, Rich’s shopping spree doesn’t include near what’s needed to make any of the recipes in their book, The Plant Power Way.
We’re plantarians (it’s not a word, vegan has too much baggage). We got here because of Cowspiracy and Rich and Julie’s book. Their book is great, it’s been on our kitchen island since the day it arrived last year.
I think Rich is making a big mistake going on and on about how eating this way is lower cost. It’s not. We’ve been doing it since May 1, I’ve tracked all our costs. Granted, everything we eat is beyond organic or organic. And we live in the mountains — everything up here costs more.
Okay, maybe, if you don’t buy organic and don’t worry about GMO the costs are less? I’m even skeptical of that. But even that was true, how does that balance against all the podcasts where Rich and Julie talking about eating organic, going to farmers markets, and buying non-GMO? And I think Dr. G. has a couple of videos going against non-organic fruits and vegetables, because of how much they’re sprayed.
Then, what about the time it takes to cook each week? The food doesn’t make itself. And, since there’s no preservatives in the food, it goes bad quicker. If a person is going to do this, and I think everyone should, they need to know how to cook. So where’s the discussion about cooking?
Where’s the cost of the Vitamix, an essential? What about the price of nuts? What about the superfoods? It’s like Rich is saying, “Yep, you can do this. But never mind that what I’m showing you contradicts my book and podcasts”.
Then, how does the cost and the time involved to live this way get across the line to a single parent who’s time is taken up with 3 jobs or people of color?
My feeling is that this movement should be upfront about what it takes to do this. I’ve never seen so many, get a message so wrong. When are key people in this movement such as Rich going admit that living this way is for those with the means to do it? Then, make the problems the burning problem to solve. Instead, we see videos like this. I think videos like this do more harm than good.
Rich’s video has great editing, I agree. With his movie star good looks I’m sure he’s on his way to being a video star. But if he wants to make a difference, he needs to take two.
Renee and I talked more about the video today. Then I wrote this:
We found from Rich and Julie’s book, The Plant Power Way. The man behind this wonderful site is Doctor Michael Greger, aka “Dr. G.”
Since then we donate to his site. We get his videos each day, we rely heavily on what Dr. G. says.
In Rich’s video, he bought non-organic fruits and vegetables. Watch this video by Dr. G.:
Friends of ours are beyond organic and organic farmers. Knowing what we do about food now, we don’t eat non-organic foods. Why not? Because buying non-organic foods is akin to filling up your grocery basket with pesticides. Buying non-organic foods is vote against our freedom, a vote for Monsanto and the rest of their kind, who are trying to take over our food supply.
From Dr. G’s video:
“It can be concluded that consumption of organic foods provides protection against exposure to organophosphorus pesticides commonly used in agricultural (non-organic) practices”
I’m chagrined that Rich would tell the world to buy non-organic foods.
The plantarian lifestyle is wonderful. When you live this way you are supporting small business and small farmers here in the United States. You’re helping your neighbor. You are voting with your pocket book, helping others everywhere to be free.
Right now, no one should get the impression that living this way is cheap — it’s not. Living this way costs more.
But when you pay more, you are helping others. Because at some point, people like Rich are going to get sick of people like me who constantly hound him to do more, who call him out when he’s wrong. Then at some point, Rich’s network of movers and shakers will get the message, get off their behinds and start focusing their tremendous resources on bringing this wonderful way of life to the masses – not the classes.
PSA – Please donate to Dr. G’s site. When you do, you are helping others. You are helping those less fortunate to rise up. Because without donations, Dr. G’s site can’t operate.
Rich has banned me from posting on his website or his YouTube channel. Why? Because I call him out on stuff.
If anyone out there agrees with what I say, do me a favor. Contact Rich and complain. Tell him to listen to all voices. Post on his site and his YouTube channel. Boycott him, protest against him and his ilk.
This is where the concept of likes and views is all wrong. Based on likes and views, the uninformed would think Rich is the be all end all.
Not so fast, social media breath.
One, because some/most of the likes and views are fake. Two, because voices such as mine are filtered. Three, because two companies are in charge, the game is rigged.
Been meaning to update this.
Rich is allowing me to comment on his YouTube channel now. He has been for a while. My last comment is here, ChiefHeyoka
Christian nationalists are un-American
The interview with Dr. G and everything you want to know about corona…Notice the parallel between the recommendation for the reduction of bacteria-virus spread in the Factory Farm (pigs, cows, chickens) breading grounds, are the same for human animals…Distancing and proper ventilation!
Dr. G could watch Andy Wakefield’s movie on vaccines, or go to Bobby Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense for a more accurate understanding of vaccines promotion.
I would leave theses comments on rich roll but being an old-schooler I don’t see how to do that…Perhaps you could forward.
Thank you for your above comments that give a better balance to totality.
Francie Nolan