Howdy and hello there,
I just found out about this great, local company that makes juice that’s good, good for you.
Their juice is great, it’s nothing but the earth.
But then when I started reading about their company, I was even more hooked.
This company says it all, where we need to go as a country. Folks, if we’d all just eat right and exercise, that would do more to lower health care costs than any politician could.
Read about these guys. They’re farmers – local farmers. They’re not big agriculture. They’re a small business. They’re great stewards of the planet. And it looks like they’re all a family. I bet going to work for these guys is a real joy each day.
Here’s the net effect when you support businesses like Big B’s:
1. You’re supporting small businesses.
2. You’re putting people to work.
3. You’re sending a message to companies to quit making food that’s bad for us and to start making food that’s good for us.
4. You’re being personally responsible.
A key tenet of the Republican platform is personal responsibility. BTW, I agree with the Republican Party’s founding principles. I’ve voted Republican. But I won’t now. Not because of dogma, but because today’s Republican Party bears zero resemblance to the founding principles.
It’s completely hypocritical and bunk to bitch and moan about Obamacare – then go have a cheeseburger, milkshake and fries. You want to bitch, fine. But if you’re overweight, don’t exercise or eat well, you’re part of the problem — not the solution. Sorry, those are the facts.
More than half of all health care costs is spent on lifestyle created diseases; type II diabetes, heart disease, cancer, to name some. No, living this way is not a cure for cancer. But studies have shown that it reduces all cancer risk by 90%. I have no problem with you complaining about Obamacare. But you need to know the whole story of what’s causing health care costs to go through the roof.
For example. Palin bitches about the FLOTUS having an organic garden, starting a program for kids to eat well. She shows up to a school the next day with chocolate chipped cookies. But then, Palin claims to be about fiscal responsibility, saving money and paying off the deficit.
Palin, in this case, is talking out both sides of her mouth. Because, health care costs are directly tied to what we eat and how we live. So FLOTUS starts a program that’s good for kids, will help lower costs. But then Palin shows up the next day and bitches. People like Palin bring nothing to the world. All they do, is serve as distractions. FLOTUS is walking the walk. Palin, is not.
Again. I’ll vote for a Republican. But not this brand of Republicans.
5. You’re being good to the planet, good to your body.
6. You’re helping farmers. Remember them? How about we quit going to war, and start taking care of our own?
So here’s to companies like Big B’s who get it, who are doing the right thing. Who are helping to lower health care costs.
There’s a local farmer where you are who’s doing the right thing too. Go find them. Do it today. Buy their stuff. Please.
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